
Developing and selling products for consumers.

Meeting new consumer needs by combining easy preparation with delicious tastes to create an enhanced range of high-added-value products.
Product Details

About Us

Over 120 years since its establishment
Flour milling company with the No. 1 market share in Japan

Founded in 1900 with the aim of domesticating the production and stabilizing the supply of high-quality flour. As a top milling company group in Japan that supports "food infrastructure," we have always faced company challenges and developed a wide variety of businesses.

To offer health and trust to our customers, the Nisshin Seifun Group is committed to continuing to take on challenges by leveraging our accumulated technologies and networks.

What is retort food

The appeal of extremely convenient retort food.

Retort Food is a type of instant food that is pre-cooked, sealed in a plastic film pack, and undergoes heat sterilization. It has a long shelf life and can be simply served by heating. And as an indispensable food in modern life, it is not only widely used as a convenient meal, but also as an emergency food in the event of a disaster.